Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 8: A Goal

I realize the challenge is supposed to be a short-term goal for this month, but the goal I came up with is more long-term than that.

My midwife says I need more protein. She says eggs are a really good source of the protein I need for my baby. Now, I've never really been a big egg eater. Over the last couple of years my appreciation of eggs has grown, but when I was a kid, the only kind of eggs I liked were eggs baked into something like cookies, scrambled with (lots of) cheese in them, or in egg salad sandwiches (which is ironic because I also don't like mayonnaise).

I'd like to shoot for 2 eggs a day, but I think that's a little high. My next thought was 12 eggs a week, but I feel like that still might be a little too high. So my goal is to eat 10 eggs a week, which is still pretty high for someone who is part of a family for which a dozen eggs can easily last a couple of weeks. I had an egg sandwich for breakfast, and I made it with two eggs in it instead of the one that I would have preferred, so I'm off to a good start. :)


  1. You could always go back to lentils a la trail walking...They are super high in protien.;)

    How about almonds and raisins or yogurt for a snack?
