Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Joseph

With the help of some family and friends, we want to wish you a happy day!

Now go here

Monday, November 8, 2010

Easy Lunchboxes Giveaway

I'm entering a givaway for Easy Lunchboxes. To enter, visit here.

I Used To Be Smarter

This has become somewhat of a mantra for me. I blame it on "mommy-brain." Seriously, I was talking to someone, and she said we should do something, and then I replied with a problem that we needed to address, and then she repeated the thing that she had said, which had addressed the problem before I brought it up. It took her repeating the solution for me to comprehend it. And there have been multiple times when I'm talking to Joseph and he explains something to me that I just don't get--even when I know that it's really not that hard a concept to grasp.

A few weeks ago I got out an old college algebra textbook and started working problems with the intent to sharpen my mind. I also regularly play Scrabble (against a computer; I don't have a human opponent with whom to play) and Sudoku. Those are supposed to help your mind stay sharp, right? I don't think it's working; I still feel like I used to be smarter.

Oh, well. When my sweet babe smiles at me, or stops crying when I pick him up after others have failed in trying to sooth him, or learns something new, my heart melts, and I'm okay with everything that goes with being his mother.