Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 24: For Mom and Papa

Dear Mom and Papa,

I have such a great life. "I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow Him in faith." And I know and do these things because of your teachings and examples. Thank you for teaching me the gospel. Thank you for the sacrifices you made and make for me. Thank you for supporting me in the decisions I make. Thank you for all the help you give my family. Thank you for always being there for me. If I were able to choose who my parents were, I would choose you every time. It's not possible to enumerate everything you've done for me, but I thank you for teaching me and helping me find and follow the path that leads back to Heavenly Father.

I love you.
Love, Melody

LDS Women's Book Review Contest

LDSWBR Countdown to Summer 2011
LDS Women's Book Review is doing a contest where they are giving away, among other things, a particular book I want . . . The List, by Melanie Jacobson. Besides being the sister of my favorite mission companion, (which is reason enough to want her book, eh?) she is clever, witty, and funny -- and I mean laugh-out-loud funny. I love reading her writing and I'm entering this contest in the hopes of winning it. Or the $50 Amazon gift card, with which I could purchase it and more. Or one of the other books, just because I love to read. :)