Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cloth Diapers? Not Yet.

Note: I started this post on June 8th but was interrupted. Parts of it are now outdated.

I just started using cloth diapers. Two days ago. I have enough diapers for two days. That meant that this morning I needed to wash diapers.

I live in an apartment, and my laundry facilities consist of a laundry room which is shared by 15 other apartments. And the washing machines are the type where I stick quarters in and choose a cycle; I can't choose a pre-wash or a double rinse. From what I understand of how to care for cloth diapers, you should wash them in cold water, wash them in hot water, rinse them in cold, and rinse again in cold. That would mean three times through the washer for me, which would defeat my pecuniary purpose of cloth diapering.

Eldon is still on only breastmilk, which means that I could just throw the diapers in the washer without rinsing them out. But I thought that to eliminate the need for the pre-wash, I'd rinse the diapers before washing them the first time. I don't have a diaper sprayer yet. So this morning I rinsed my dirty diapers in the toilet.

I'm not sure why I thought it would be a quick little job and then I'd be done. I'm really not sure why I thought I wouldn't need a shower afterward; in fact, before attempting this feat, I got dressed--in clean clothes. I'm sure anyone who knows me is also wondering what I was thinking.

Not only did this task require that I shower afterwards, but I also ended up cleaning the whole bathroom. It took all morning to do the job.

Since beginning this post, I have purchased a diaper sprayer. I haven't hooked it up. I'm using disposable diapers. I'll try cloth again when I move in a few weeks to a house that has a washer and dryer.

Such is life.


  1. I'm proud of you for trying =) Once you get into the house I am sure things will be much easier =)

  2. this is funny! what's a diaper sprayer? I would love to do cloth diapers...but maybe with the next kid I'll be more dedicated to...what you've experienced...the washing part.

  3. A diaper sprayer is pretty much a hose with a sprayer like those you see on kitchen sinks that hooks up to the toilet. I still haven't used it yet; since I started cloth again, I've had a washer that I could just throw his breastfed-only diapers into.
