Friday, June 4, 2010

The Best Part

After my mission, I bought a housing contract from a girl who was getting married. This was one of the most influential happenings in my life--it gave me Megan M. as a roommate, who, besides being one of my best friends, is also the reason that I went to work for Anasazi, which is where I met Joseph.

But that's beside the point. :) Megan was a great roommate; in fact, she was the only one of my dozens of roommates that I arranged to live with twice. She was preparing for her own mission at the time we became roommates, and her example helped me to keep some good habits from my mission.

After the lights were out and we'd gone to bed, we'd often lie awake talking before succumbing to sleep. At the beginning of the semester, she suggested, as a way to focus on the positive, that we ask each other what the best part of our day had been. It was a simple little ritual that I loved. It made me think through my day and identify blessings I'd received.

I carried this tradition into my marriage, and at night before we go to sleep, Joseph and I share with each other what the best part of our day has been.

Thank you, Megan!


  1. And that tradition has spread to my house! I ask Skyla every night what the best part of her day was. Quite often, those little conversations are the best part of my day. Just the other night, Preston, asked me to ask him, too! So thanks Megan!

  2. Wow! Thanks guys! You are so sweet. Heavenly Father sure has a plan for all of us, and this post makes me realize how much he uses us as his instruments to carry out his plan. I try to do this with my husband...but he's not really a talker, and to be funny he always says, "right now", so maybe when my kids are older they will have a serious bone, and actually tell me the best part of their day. Love you Melody!
