Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 19: Nicknames

I don't really have a lot of nicknames. My husband calls me "Love" and has since we were first dating. He also sometimes calls me "Beautiful." My family, particularly my sisters, call me "Mel," to which I used to object, but which doesn't bother me any more. And my mother occasionally calls me "Melly." That's about it.

That's about it, that is, unless you also want to include trail names. I was given the Anasazi trail name of "Whistling Star Meadowlark" by my most awesome trainer. She encouraged me to make values and ideals that seemed so close to me shine for the youngwalkers like whistling stars, and she said that like a meadowlark I was quiet, but that I would fight to defend and protect those I had charge over when there was a need. Later I was given the opportunity to receive an honor name. When I received that opportunity, I was able to choose someone to give me the honor name, and I chose Joseph, who gave me the honor trail name of "Beautiful Sunrise." I don't remember the specific reasons he gave for choosing it, and I don't want to go look for the paper on which he wrote those reasons, so I'll leave it to your imagination as to why he gave me that name. :)

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