Anyway, on the Thursday before the Saturday race, Karma and Riah talked me into running with them. I hadn't brought my running shoes (for which I was later grateful), so we went to DI and I bought a used pair, and I bought a ticket from someone who had preregistered for the race but was unable to run.
Then on Friday I got sick. It was a miserable headcold. And I was definitely regretting my decision to run. I asked Papa to give me a blessing. The blessing promised me that I would be able to meet my goal the next day and to have fun.
I believe in miracles. And in the power of the Priesthood. It truly is the power of God. The next morning I had a slightly runny nose, but I felt pretty good. And I ran in the race.

Now, running is not my cup of tea. Or hot chocolate, since tea is taboo. :) My motto is that exercise should be disguised as something fun, such as hiking. And my sisters had been training for this race, and I had not. But I managed to meet my goal (to finish) and I had fun doing it. It was an obstacle course race on a mountainside that was quite difficult for me. There were lots of ups and downs, and it seemed like most of the ups were at the beginning, designed, I suppose, to wipe me out before I was even really started. But my sisters encouraged me and pushed and pulled me up the hills (sometimes literally), and I was able to finish the race, though I walked much of it.

Then my headcold came back. As Riah pointed out, the blessing promised nothing beyond the day of the race. But for that morning, God blessed me with a reprieve from my cold and helped me to accomplish finishing a 10K.
WOW good for you!! Looks like it was fun after all and you got to be in the mountains and get dirty!! Congrats! How are you doing? Are you still in rexburg?