Monday, August 9, 2010

Mosquito Lake

I don't remember if it is in the movies or only in the books, but at one point Anne and Diana are talking about names and how they used to like the name Josie but then Josie Pye spoiled it for them. Anne thought it was a good idea to live so that one's name became beautiful. Mosquito Lake has done that for me. I mean, most people would hear that name and want to steer clear of the place, while I, on the other hand, hear it and want to go and completely forget that there might be mosquitos on the way.

I have to thank Kaitlin for getting us out there. She came down to Bend from Portland to meet Eldon and while she was here she went to Mosquito Lake, which was catalyst enough for me to take Joseph. Joseph and I hiked from Little Cultus to Mosquito Lake and then rode with Kaitlin and Co. back from the lake to our car. And, wonderful husband that he is, he carried a watermelon 4 miles for me. :)

It was beautiful and lived up to my memories. Mosquito Lake is one of my favorite places on earth.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Joseph is a wonderful husband for you.
    It looks like a beautiful place. Hope you're enjoying Oregon.
