We were at Mom and Papa's house in The Dalles last month. While we were there, Mom and I were adoring Eldon. (Who wouldn't?) And Mom asked me if I had any hopes and dreams left unfulfilled.
It hadn't occurred to me before she asked me, but when I thought about it, I realized I don't. I mean, sure, I have goals I still want to accomplish, and I look forward to the day our student loans are paid off, and we own our own house, and money's not so tight, etc. But the hopes and dreams I
really wished for have come true.
I was reading my journal and came across an entry that went along with this. I was thinking about some of the cool things some of my friends have done, such as visited Europe, lived 20 miles south of the Arctic Circle, gone to Africa, New Zealand, Fiji, etc. And then I realized that, as cool as these things are, I've done some pretty cool things too. I served a mission. I lived in New York City. I worked at Anasazi. And I wouldn't trade the things I've done and learned for the cool things my friends and family have done.
When it really came down to it, though, all those things were things that I chose to do to be happy while I waited for what I really hoped for and dreamed of. And then I married Joseph, who is more wonderful than I'd imagined. And then Eldon was born. Though I want more children, Joseph and Eldon were the miracles that fulfilled my hopes and dreams.